Reception Jeffers

The teachers in Jeffers class work hard to ensure all the children are safe and happy at school.

We also do our best to make learning fun and practical, so that the children enjoy their lessons and learn lots along the way!


Our teacher this year is Miss Stanton and our teaching assistants are Miss Farrell, Mrs Akbari (in the morning) and Mrs Hindley (in the afternoon)


At Oxhey Wood we have an open door policy so please feel free to speak with me before or after school or an alternative is to email: 

No question or query is ever too small.


Spring 2- All creatures great and small





How to help at home:


One of the biggest areas of development for your child at this stage is communication. Your child will experiment with communicating in a variety of ways at school – for example, through stories, in conversations with adults and their friends, and through facial expression, movement and dance.


> Talk to them lots. Try to make the conversations as two-way as possible – children learn much more if they are in a dialogue, not just being spoken to.


>Read to your child and encourage them to read to you. Read anything and everything, not just the reading scheme books. Try to encourage your child to talk about the pictures, or to make predictions about what will happen next. Above all, it’s important for your child to enjoy reading, so try to relax, and stop when either of you begins to feel pressured or anxious.


>You can help your child build up hand strength and fine motor skills by playing with playdough. threading, paints and colouring in. This will really help when they come to learn to write.


>Support your child with writing their name, forming each letter correctly.

Numbers are all around us, from calendars to door numbers, street signs to car registration plates. Pointing them out and talking about them with your child can show that they have a real life context.


>Have a go at forming numbers in sand with a stick, on the pavement with chalk or on sheets of paper with finger paints. Make numbers out of modelling clay, or try holding your child's finger and forming the number in the air.


>Try to involve your child in using numbers at home by singing number rhymes and songs or by encouraging them to recognise and read numbers.




