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5 Rosen
Welcome to 5 Rosen class page. I am Mrs Lawson , your class teacher, and our classroom assistant is Miss Matmuja. We have an open door policy at Oxhey wood so please stop by before or after school if you have any questions or you can email me : jessicalawson@oxheywood.herts.sch.uk
We have many amazing activities, trips and learning planned for this year so please follow us on our exciting journey!
Spring 1
This term we will be learning all about Space in our science lessons and the Solar System will also be the focus of our writing in English lessons. We will be reading a range of non-fiction texts as well as Frank Cottrell- Boyce's 'Cosmic'. We will also learn how to say the names of all the planets and describe them in French. In our geography lessons we will be comparing the landscape, culture, language and climate of where we live with a school in Spain. This will involve researching, writing letters and comparing. In our art lessons this term we are looking at artists like Banksy and thinking about the meaning behind their work.
Swimming will continue on a Wednesday afternoon and PE will be outside on a Monday afternoon. Please ensure your child has their PE kit and swimming kit on these days.