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Trustees and Governors
Please find below details of how our Governing board is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Warren Dell Primary School and Oxhey Wood Primary School have one Academy Governing Board across both schools under the Agora Learning Partnership.
Trustees And Academy Governing Board
Governance is strong. The governing body knows the school very well. Its members have an extensive range of skills and good links with the local community. Governors focus sharply on pupils’ progress, checking those groups most vulnerable to underachievement and using this information to accurately review the school’s performance. Arrangements for targeting spending on pupils supported through the pupil premium are particularly detailed and increasingly effective. Governors have a very good understanding of data and make clear links between the quality of teaching, the school’s targets for pupils’ attainment and the management of performance for all staff. For example, teachers’ performance management reviews are explicitly linked to the quality of teaching and pupils’ achievement. The governing body ensures that all statutory safeguarding requirements are met and staff training in child protection is up to date. WARREN DELL OFSTED JANUARY 2014
The Governing Board is the school’s accountable body and is responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. It sets the strategic direction of the school. It is not responsible for the day to day management of Oxhey Wood or Warren Dell Primary School.
A Governor commits to attend meetings (some during the evening) and to visit the school during the school day at least once a term. References are requested for all Governors and they also complete a DBS check.
In line with Agora Learning Partnership our Academy Governing Board consists of:
- Head teacher: Mikki Caplan
- 2 Staff governors: Micaela Jennings & Fatemah Ravji
- 2 Parent Governors: Pilar Arranz, Dave Sarney
- 1 Co-opted Governor: Vacancy
- 4 Trustee Appointed Governors: Kim Claridge-Taylor, Elizabeth Willetts, Kate Douglas-Law, Vacancy
Governor Information: Governor profiles coming soon!
Declarations - Oxhey Wood and Warren Dell AGB
Governor attendance at meetings
Agora Learning Partnership Members and Trustees
Our Governors would like to introduce themselves here:
If you would like further information on governors’ business interests or pecuniary interest in relation to Oxhey Wood or Warren Dell please ask at the school office.
AGB meets twice a term.