World Book Day Door Competition

7 March 2025

World Book Day Door Competition-

This week, each class in school decorated their door to celebrate World Book Day. The doors were either based on a particular book or inspired by books. Have a look at all of the brilliant designs!


Our Junior Leadership Team judged each door, awarding marks for:


•Children’s involvement

•Relevance to the book/theme

•Presentation and effort

•Overall impact


It was closely fought competition but the winners were:

Early Years: Lowry (Stick Man)

KS1: 1 Darwin (The Gingerbread Man)

KS2: 6 Glennie (A Boy Called Hope)


Runners up:

Early Years: Reception Jeffers (Once Upon a Time)

KS1: 1 Sharman (Octopants)

KS2: 5 Rosen (The Girl Who Stole An Elephant)

Winning classes will receive £25 to spend on books. Runners-up will get to pick a new class novel/book for their book corner